Hokkaido University

Hokkaido University Hokkaido daigaku?), or Hokusai is one in all the national universities of Japan. It’s a member of the National Seven Universities that were established because the best national instruction or analysis institute. It’s settled in downtown urban center, simply north of urban center Station, and stretching or so two.4 kilometers northward. it's thought-about joined of the highest universities in Japan.
Hokkaido University (Hokusai for short) was originally supported in 1876 as urban center Agricultural faculty urban center nogakko?) By William S. Clark with the assistance of 5 school members and a primary category size of twenty four students. In September 1907, Tohoku Imperial University Tōhoku teikoku daigaku?) Found out the school of Agriculture in urban center. Urban center Agricultural faculty took the lead it. Tohoku Imperial University ceded the school of Agriculture to Ego Imperial University  Hokkaidō teikoku daigaku?) On Gregorian calendar month one, 1918. it had been one in all 9 Imperial Universities. The college of medication was established in 1919, at which era the Agricultural faculty became the school of Agriculture. This was followed by the school of Engineering, the school of Science, and eventually in 1947, the school of Law and Literature. The present name of Ego University conjointly came into use in 1947. In 1953, the grad school was established.
Since 2004 the university has been incorporated as a National University Corporation underneath a brand new law that applies to any or all national universities. Though the incorporation has junction rectifier to hyperbolic monetary independence and autonomy, Ego University remains partly controlled by the Japanese Ministry of Education.
General rankings
The university has been hierarchal ninth, tenth and fourteenth in 2008, 2009 and 2010 severally within the ranking "Truly robust Universities" by Toyo Keizer In another ranking, Japanese preparatory school Kawaijuku hierarchal Ego because the ninth best university in Japan.
In 2013 QS World University Rankings hierarchal Ego at 144th within the world. Their highest score was for school Student Score (88 out of 100). Their lowest was for International school Score (13.5 out of 100). In a trial to spice up their International school Score, Ego has recently been hand-picked to be a part of Japan's Super international Universities Program. This program provides special funding to rent international school.
Research performance
According to Thomson Reuters, Ego is that the sixth best analysis university in Japan Its analysis normal is particularly high in Materials Science (7th in Japan, 86th within the world), Chemistry (8th in Japan, 52nd within the world), and Biology & organic chemistry (6th in Japan, 104th within the world).
Weekly Diamond rumored that Ego has the tenth highest analysis normal in Japan in terms of analysis funding per researchers within the COE Program.
In addition, Nikkei Shim bun on sixteen Gregorian calendar month 2004 surveyed the analysis standards in Engineering studies supported Thomson Reuters, Grants in Aid for research and questionnaires to heads of ninety three leading Japanese analysis Centers, and Ego was placed seventeenth during this ranking.
According to the Qs World university rankings in September 2012, Ego University was placed one hundred and thirty fifth (worldwide) and sixth (in Japan) for general standards in engineering and technology.
It conjointly features a sensible analysis normal in economic science, as Repel hierarchal Ego because the sixteenth best economic science analysis university in January 2011.

The university received attention in 2010 once academic Akira Suzuki won the honor for Chemistry put together with Richard F. Hacked Ei-ichi Neighs.
