A leading arts teaching

A leading arts teaching and analysis establishment, Ricky is that the largest Anglican Christian related  university in Japan and may be a member of the "Big Six" grouping of distinguished personal universities in Edo.
The university is thought for its corroboratory and student targeted approach to educational study; encouraging all registered students to challenge themselves and find out their own innate potential in their chosen field of study. A philosophy symbolized by the locution "academy of freedom" (no- urging students to reject create by mental act limitations and to broaden their information and appreciation of the essence of all things through advanced study.
The origins of the university start the origination of St. Paul's college for boys in 1874 by Channing Moore Williams, a missionary of the Episcopal Church and a number one figure within the institution of the Protestant denomination in Japan.
The school's 1st categories were command within the home of Williams within the foreign settlement in Tsukiji, Tokyo. ab initio 5 students came to check with the resident missionaries, however by the top of the primary year this range had mature to lv with as several as xlvi living in a very dormitory facility rented by the college.
Fire eaten up the primary college buildings in 1876, however with funding from the Domestic and Foreign Mission Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and, in 1880, a brand new Principal, James McDonald historian  to supervise, new three-story brick facilities with AN imposing 60-foot tower were created.

Holy Trinity Cathedral, Tsukiji, temporary home for the faculty once the 1894 earthquake
In 1891, historian resigned from the management of the college and was succeeded by Rev. Theodosius Stevens Ting. coincident with the appointment of Rev. Ting, the school's name was modified from St. Paul's college to St. Paul's faculty, syllabus changes were introduced and a proper application was created for a government license. Enrollment jumped, however the college buildings at now were in a very poor state of repair and were condemned as unsafe by government inspectors. As President of the college Ting straightaway go off to the us on a fundraising tour, however but 3 weeks once his come to Edo AN earthquake in 1894 leveled abundant of the first college facilities, light the perils of building on saved land next to the Sumida watercourse. the faculty was briefly housed in Trinity Parish House, however by 1896 new buildings together with an educational hall and student dormitory was prepared for occupation.
In 1897, the Rev. Arthur Harold Lloyd became President of the University. the varied Ricky colleges older a fast rise in student enrollment by virtue of the granting of a Government License exempting students from military service and granting them access to any or all Government established colleges of upper Education. Harold Lloyd was with success able to navigate the college through a turbulent six years because the Japanese Ministry of Education had sought-after to curtail any form of non secular instruction within the syllabus of state approved colleges. As solely within the dormitories at Ricky was any form of non secular instruction given, the college was able to retain its license.

In 1903, the Rev. Henry St. patron saint Tucker succeeded Rev. Harold Lloyd as University President. In 1905 {the college|the varsity|the college} reported  a male student enrollment of 5 hundred and 73 and therefore the want for larger school schoolroom facilities was acute. once different roaring fundraising charm new school rooms, AN auditorium ANd an building were opened in 1907. The Rev. Charles S. Reifsnider succeeds Rev. Tucker in 1912 once the latter took up his new post as Bishop of Kyoto.
